The bourgeoisie is irrelevant as it has become subordinated to the PMC which control all centers of power be they public institutions or major private corporations. The proletariat is irrelevant due to the ever increasing automatisation and commoditization of labour which is something that was already obvious by the time Marx was playing the modern version of the jewish prophet.

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I disagree for reasons elaborated in this post critiquing Gouldner's similar view (though he calls them intellectuals instead of PMC). https://open.substack.com/pub/antileftistmarx/p/limits-of-gouldner?r=rcx8q&utm_medium=ios

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His thesis is that the intellectuals don't have power because they don't act in certain ways predetermined by marxism. I'm not a marxist so I don't care about its prophecies. The PMC have the power and they use it according to what they want and need right now.

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